We’re back!!
We know you must have been missing our engaging, inspiring, scintillating emails ;-). We’ve been observing a mandated silence by the New York State attorney general’s office while we spent the last year+ working on an “offering plan”–an extremely complicated document that lays out everything prospective future residents might need to know about White Hawk.
We just got word that the offering plan is complete and we can re-open communications with the outside world… and welcome new members!!
We’re still plugging away with the innumerable tasks that it takes to keep a young community like ours going… Finishing the infrastructure for the village, planting fruit and nut trees for all of us and future generations of so many beings, continuing to build connections in communities near and far, managing our budget, keeping count of our legions of kids as they emerge from winter hibernation…
And of course welcoming y’all to learn more about and visit our beautiful little community!
So please, would you do us a quick favor and let us know your level of interest in White Hawk? Are you chomping at the bit to start the paperwork and build your home here? Curious and want to stay in the loop? Or maybe you’ve moved on and want to be taken off this list?
Wherever you’re at, would you please let us know?
We’re so excited to be moving forward and are excited to meet you, and hopefully welcoming some as our new neighbors in the near future. 🙂
With best wishes and much gratitude,
White Hawk Ecovillage